You may call me crazy, but i think she looks Absolutely Stunning in dis pic. There's something about the imperfection of her hair cut. She used to look so Bland and ordinary, Extremely gorgeous, but ordinary none the less. Now she stands out, she has inspired me to let go of my social fears, and look, feel, say and do as i please. Cause if Cassie can do it, it cant' be that hard, can it?? LOL.
She stated on her Twitter
”Sometimes in life, you need a change. Something deeper than what you thought you were capable of. Something that displays the “I don’t give a f*ck” attitude that was always present but never showcased. Something that makes you look at this whole wide world differently. And something that will shock your mother, but will make her call you a ROCKSTAR. Yea I did it…”
(Da pic and statement was taken from 'The Cake' blogsite')
I totally agree that see looks HOT with this new look, before she was just pretty, but now shes got a sexy edge. However, I don't think that the motivation is as deep as she portrays, it's just like when Kelis cut off her beautiful curly hair and shaved one side of her head, then coincedently released a new album. Big publicity stunt if you ask me, Cassie is bringing out a new album soon called Electro Love!