Sunday, 31 May 2009


For those of you who dont know, Spectacular from Hiphop Boy group Pretty Ricky decided to post a video via Twitter. Now that doesn't sound that bad does it, but thats just da beginning, in this video he decided to wear Red Panties and girate around his room like he was in a Ciara video LOL. Then what kills it, he then denies the gay rumours and tries to call out the sexuality of any male that has watched it, even though he challenges many male artists in the video such as 'Chris Brown, Bow Wow & Day 26'.

This vid is a spoof, and a very funny one i may add, but to be honest nothing beats the original video, if u havn't seen it count yourself lucky. I watched a few seconds and had to turn in it off, in the words of a good female friend, 'The video is visually Revolting'.. LOL

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