Keri's lookin hot as usual, but is it me or is she straining her upper assets abit too much, not sure if it's subconscious or deliberate, either way i don't think it's necessary, Miss Keri your too cute for things such as that, leave those kind of things to Aubrey.
Cudi is lookin to cool for school as per usual as well. I took the time to read his interview and found it quite insightful into whole Kid Cudi is. I've put some quote so you can catch my drift.
But do you feel like your own world is hell sometimes?
Kid Cudi: Yeah. Most of my groupies are spawns of the devil. [Laughs.] They’re there to take me off track and fuck up my purpose. It’s like the dark side is trying to pull me in. Who wouldn’t like a bunch of hot-ass bitches saying, “Hey, we all wanna fuck you right now!”? [Laughs.] But you have to realize that it’s an illusion, that you can get caught up, turn into a person that you never knew you could be—and I don’t wanna be that dude.
Speaking of your grind, when did you decide to move to New York?
Kid Cudi: I was working at this restaurant in Cleveland. There was this white dude in his 40s who was cool as shit and would tell me, “You’re funny and people like you. You need to move the fuck out of Ohio and just do this.” My uncle told me I could come out there and stay with him in the South Bronx until I got on my feet. I’d never met him; this was my father’s older brother, the last of my father’s siblings, so I wanted to make that connection anyway. I moved in 2004 with my little demo and maybe $500.

You played me an outtake, which has to be the first love song I’ve ever heard about tripping on mushrooms with a girl .
Kid Cudi: One of my co-workers asked me over to smoke, and she ended up persuading me to do ’shrooms. We popped a couple of caps, and the next thing you know we’re listening to The Postal Service and all this real emotional music. We just vibed out; it was intense. I wanted to make a song for girls without it sounding like A Song For Girls, you know? There need to be songs that females can connect with, because I love all women. Not like the average dude that loves women ’cause they like to fuck; I just love women as a whole. I love them, not just the fact that they have vaginas.
The whole time we were at the video shoot, people were coming up for autographs and you talked to every single person. Are you really that worried about fame going to your head?
Kid Cudi: I don’t want to transform into a fuckin’ zombie. Every time people come up to me I want to hit them with that smile and shake their hands sincerely. Let them know that I appreciate them approaching me and I appreciate them liking my music.
If you have a chance check out the entire interview on the Complex website, it's a very interesting read.
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